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If You’re Battling Parkinson’s Disease, Movement Is Medicine

Parkinson’s Disease is a chronic, progressive central nervous system disorder that results from the loss of dopamine-producing cells deep in the brain. The most common symptoms associated with PD include Tremor, Rigidity, Akinesia/Dyskinesia and Postural Instability (TRAP). Parkinson’s is the second most common neurodegenerative condition, with Alzheimer’s recognized as the most common.

For persons with PD, “movement is medicine” and exercise is crucial to combat its effects and promote function and optimal quality of life. CPT proudly offers experienced therapists and programming to fight against the effects of Parkinson’s Disease.


We offer the LSVT BIG Program with certified physical therapists in several offices!

LSVT BIG is a research-based exercise approach developed from principles of the effective Parkinson’s specific speech treatment LSVT LOUD. The LSVT Programs have been developed and scientifically researched over the past 20 years with funding from the National Institutes of Health.

LSVT BIG Treatment focus includes:

  • Training larger amplitude movement (bigger movement)
  • Driving intensive and high-effort practice
  • Teaching the amount of effort required to produce normal movements
  • Translating bigger movements into real-world, everyday activities
  • Empowers people with PD with potential to improve!

LSVT Programming consists of:

  • 16 sessions: 4 consecutive days a week for 4 weeks
  • Individual 1-hour sessions
  • Daily homework practice
  • Daily carryover practice

Learn More

Parkinson’s Resources


Rock Steady Boxing Honesdale

Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) is a first-of-its-kind, Indianapolis-based nonprofit gym founded in 2006 to provide an effective form of physical exercise to people who are living with Parkinson’s. Though it may seem surprising, this non-contact boxing-inspired fitness routine is dramatically improving the ability of people with Parkinson’s to live independent lives. Rock Steady Boxing Honesdale is proud to be a certified affiliate of the Indianapolis-based program and addition to CPT.

What Is the Cost?

CPT recognizes the importance of community-based exercise for those living with Parkinson’s Disease. To help you FIGHT BACK, CPT offers these classes on a donation-only basis. The recommended donation per class is $5, but is not required. CPT is committed to this initiative and seeks to ensure that appropriately designed and dosed exercise options are accessible.

Without the grant funding, our costs to participants are as follows:

  • 1x/week: $30/month (maximum 5 classes)
  • 2x/week: $60/month (maximum 9 classes)
  • 3x/week: $75/month (maximum 13 classes)
  • Unlimited: $100/month

How Do I Get Started?

Please contact our Honesdale office at 570-251-3499 to request more information or email us at Assessments are required before participating, so we will schedule a time to meet you, discuss the program and find the best fit for you! Our program is located at 107 8th Street, Honesdale, PA 18431.

What We Do

RSB enables people with Parkinson’s disease to fight their disease by providing non-contact boxing-style fitness programs that improve their quality-of-life and sense of efficacy and self-worth. Studies also support that intense exercise programs may be “neuro-protective,” working to delay the progression of symptoms. RSB provides encouragement through a ‘tough love” approach, inspiring maximum effort, speed, strength, balance and flexibility. Boxing works by moving your body in all planes of motion while continuously changing the routine as you progress through the workout. RSB classes have proven that anyone, at any level of Parkinson’s, can lessen their symptoms and lead a healthier/happier life.

What We Offer

We are pleased to offer several classes each week that vary in intensity and type. Rock Steady Boxing offers between 4 – 6 classes per week (condensed schedule during winter/spring months) and one “Cardio and Coordination” is offered on Wednesdays during the summer/fall months. Our current class schedule is as follows:


Rock Steady Boxing

  • 9:30 am: Levels 1 and 2 (Offered June through December)
  • 1:00 pm: Levels 1 and 2
  • 3:00 pm: Levels 3 and 4 ** “corner man” assistance may be required

Rock Steady Boxing is truly a dynamic program that was developed to address all of the impairments our Parkinson’s Warriors are faced with. The class covers everything from cardio challenge to coordination to balance to flexibility… and so much more! Our 9:30 and 1 pm classes run approximately 75 minutes and our 3 pm class is approximately 50 minutes.


  • Cardio and Coordination for Parkinson’s @ 9:30 am
    This class focuses specifically on higher-level cardio challenge and coordination of movement. Every class is unique, incorporating variable challenges from physical to cognitive. Parkinson’s specific exercises such as LSVT BIG and PWR moves are typically included to address postural changes and stability and encourage stimulation of the nervous system. This class is offered June through December.


“The program that Suzanne Atcavage manages with the support of the Parkinson’s Foundation Community Grant is, to put it succinctly, irreplaceable. The grant allows me and some twenty or so other men and women to battle the effects of Parkinson’s. And to do in a well-equipped, physical therapy-like facility, professionally run by skilled instructors…. The program benefits all of us too with a place to share information about Parkinson’s and to be ourselves…. Irreplaceable”.

R.C., Parkinson’s Warrior

“I have been a member of RSB for one year. It has quickly become an essential part of my life. The exercise regimen is geared to assist those with movement disorder. My balance and coordination have improved noticeably. The instructors are dedicated and show a personal interest in improving our health”.

E.L., Parkinson’s Warrior

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