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Practice History

CPT is an outpatient rehabilitation practice, offering both Physical and Occupational Therapy services. Suzanne and Stephen Atcavage, both physical therapists and a husband/wife team, opened their first office at the Forest City location in 1997. Since 1997, nearly 25 years later, the practice has expanded to five locations – including Forest City, Hawley, Carbondale, Dunmore, and Honesdale.

The practice was inspired by the goal to provide patient-focused care and the use of evidence-based medicine to support the objective of patient-focused service to ensure the provision of effective, customized care, specific to each client’s need. At CPT, the patient is NOT a number.

Meet Our Founders

Stephen Atcavage

Dr. Stephen Atcavage


Stephen is a physical therapist, athletic trainer and co-founder of CPT. Together with his wife, Suzanne, CPT’s first location in Forest City, PA opened in 1997. Stephen graduated from Lock Haven University in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science in Health Science and as a Certified Athletic Trainer. He maintained and applied his athletic training certification for over 20 years. Stephen pursued his career as a physical therapist from Temple University, graduating with a Master of Physical Therapy in 1994. He then achieved his Doctorate of Physical Therapy, also from Temple University, in 2006. Dr. Atcavage is a Direct-Access licensed physical therapist which expands his scope of practice, allowing him to evaluate patients and administer care without physician referral. Stephen maintains a primary clinical specialty focused in orthopedics, sports medicine and advanced manual therapy techniques. He holds a certification in concussion rehabilitation through the American Institute of Balance. Dr. Atcavage has over 25 years of experience working with many collegiate, sem- professional and professional athletes. From 2005 - 2008, Stephen was the personal physical therapist and key member of the team for Wladimir Klitschko - the former heavy weight boxing champion. With more than 30 years of professional experience, Steve now focuses on helping non-athletes and local athletes of all sports. He has a strong following in the treatment of shoulder problems, especially with pitchers and swimmers.

Dr. Suzanne Atcavage

Suzanne Atcavage


Suzanne is a physical therapist and co-founder of CPT. Together with her husband, Stephen, CPT’s first location in Forest City, PA opened in 1997. Suzanne is a 1991 graduate of Temple University, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in General Studies with a focus in Psychology. She continued at Temple University and earned her Master of Physical Therapy in 1994. She later pursued and achieved her Doctor of Physical Therapy, also from Temple University, in 2006. In 2021, Suzanne earned Federal State Board recognition as a Neurological Clinical Specialist of Physical Therapy (NCS). Less than 3500 physical therapy clinicians have earned this designation. Dr. Atcavage is a Direct-Access licensed physical therapist which expands her scope of practice, allowing her to evaluate patients and administer care without physician referral. Suzanne maintains a primary clinical and specialty focus in neurological rehabilitation. Treatment of acute and chronic dizziness, balance disorders and concussion are long-standing areas of interest for her. Additionally, movement disorder conditions like cerebrovascular accidents (stroke), Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease are a target of her practice. Suzanne holds certifications as an LSVT BIG clinician, PWR certified clinician, is recognized by the American Institute of Balance as a Level I and II Certified Vestibular clinician (AIB-VR1, AIB-VR2) and is an AIB Certified Concussion specialist. She is certified in concussion care through ImPACT. She is a certified coach for Rock Steady Boxing - an exercise program developed to address the effects of Parkinson’s Disease and has founded a Rock Steady Boxing program for CPT, located in Honesdale, PA. Dr. Atcavage’s primary location of practice is within CPT’s Center for Specialty Care in Honesdale, PA - a location equipped to deliver advanced rehabilitation to patients with dizziness, vertigo, balance disorders, concussion and other neurological related conditions.

Dedicated Team of Specialists

Finally, the practice is dedicated to supporting the professional aspirations of their staff, and over the last quarter of a century, that intent is evident in the evolution of specialty programming. Lymphedema care, Board Certified Hand Therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, concussion management, and pelvic floor rehabilitation are among the specialty care services offered. A summary of CPT’s expansive services can be found on this website.

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Let CPT Help You on Your Road to Recovery